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PilotShare - Installation Instructions

Note: PilotShare is offered as "Thank You Ware". What this means is that if you use it & like it, please send us a "Thank You" (and we suggest $20) to:

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    1. You have already installed the Palm Desktop on a PC.

    2. The Palm Desktop WORKS: HotSyncs...

    3. The Palm Desktop is installed in "C:\Palm" (otherwise the
        following directions will need to be "adjusted" accordingly).
        AND, this PC & user has Create, Read, Write, and Delete access
        to this folder.

    4. This PC & user (and all others that you plan to give access to
        the same/shared Palm Desktop database) has Create, Read, Write,
        and Delete access to at least one shared folder on Network drive.

    5. You have downloaded PilotShare Windows EXE as a ZIP file.

    6. You can UnZip this file.

    7. ***** You are OK with the FACT that you will only be able to
        HotSync when you are running the Palm Desktop!

The Installation of PilotShare is in five (5) sections:

    1. Shared Network drive/folders set-up.

    2. First PC (the one with the HotSync cradle) set-up.

    3. Second PC (without a HotSync cradle) set-up.

    4. Optional: subsequent PCs (with or without a cradle) set-up.

    5. Clean-up.

Section 1) Shared Network drive/folders set-up:

    1. Create a Folder (directory) on the Shared Network drive
        to be the "Remote Lock Folder" (see section 2)

                eg - \\NetworkFileServer\pShare

        NOTE: PilotShare MUST be able to Create, Read, Write, & Delete
        files in this folder!

    2. Create another Folder (directory) on the Shared Network drive
        to be the "Remote Shared Data Folder" (see section 2)

                eg - \\NetworkFileServer\pShare\SmithG

        By making this a sub-Folder (directory) of the "Remote Lock
        Folder" you can use the same name as the Palm Desktop uses
        for your database (see section 2 under "Local Data Folder").

        NOTE: PilotShare MUST be able to Create, Read, Write, & Delete
        FOLDERS in the PARENT folder of the "Remote Shared Data Folder"!
        This as an additional reason to place the "Remote Shared Data
        Folder" under the "Remote Lock Folder", since you must already
        allow Create, Read, Write, & Delete there.

Section 2) First PC (the one with the HotSync cradle) set-up:

    1. If running the Palm Desktop - exit it.

    2. Switch HotSync to "Available only when Palm Desktop is running":

        a) On this PC you should have the HotSync Icon in your System
            Tray.  Left Click It & select Setup...

        b) Select "Available only when Palm Desktop is running"

        c) Click OK

        d) Left Click the HotSync Icon in your System Tray & select Exit

        e) The HotSync Icon should now be GONE from your System Tray.

    3. Verify Palm Desktop & HotSync Operation:

        a) Run Palm Desktop

        b) HotSync Icon should be in System Tray

        c) HotSync Pilot!

        d) Exit Palm Desktop

        e) HotSync Icon should NOT be in System Tray!

    4. UnZip the file into your "C:\Palm" Folder.
        This should create a PilotShare.exe file there.

    5. Execute PilotShare.exe directly (with NO arguments/parameters).
        With the changes to Window's Explorer, there is no longer "A Way"
        to do this, so I can't tell you how!

    6. Fill in the fields:

        a) Remote Lock Folder
            Same as created in section 1

                eg - \\NetworkFileServer\pShare

        b) Remote Shared Data Folder
            Same as created in section 1

                eg - \\NetworkFileServer\pShare\SmithG

        c) Local Data Folder
            This is the Folder/directory that the Palm Desktop uses to
            store your database.  It is located under the "C:\Palm"


            In my case it is this last one (which corresponds to my
            Pilot "personality").

                eg - C:\Palm\SmithG

        d) Local Run Command
            This is the program to "run" to get the Palm Desktop.

                eg - C:\Palm\palm.exe

    7. Click "Save"

    8. Create a Shortcut on your Windows Desktop:

        a) Right Click on your Windows Desktop.

        b) Select New.

        c) Select Shortcut.

        d) Browse over to "C:\Palm" and select "PilotShare.exe".

        e) Add to the "end" of the command line a name.  This is "who"
            will be shown as holding the "lock".

    9. Test It:

        a) Launch PilotShare from your new Windows Desktop shortcut

        b) Some "copying" should occur as it determines that the
            "Remote" Folder is empty and it copies the Local data up
            to it.

        c) PilotShare should then automatically launch the Palm Desktop.
            And the HotSync Icon should then appear!

        d) When you close the Palm Desktop, PilotShare will "copy"
            the Local databases back to the Remote Folder.

   10. Delete the "original" Windows Desktop Icons/Shortcuts related
        to your pilot - You do NOT want to run them directly!!!!

   11. Either "Share" your drive C (for temporary access to the
        "C:\Palm" directory) or copy the "C:\Palm" directory (and its
        sub-directories) to a commonly accessible Network drive.

Section 3) Second PC (without a HotSync cradle) set-up:

    1. Install the Palm Desktop on this PC (in the SAME Folder name as
        the First PC, hopefully "C:\Palm").  Ignore any "errors" about
        unable to find the HotSync cradle!  You do not need to run the
        Palm Desktop.

    2. Restart your PC (this may not really be needed, but...).
        Ignore the HotSync Error.

    3. If the HotSync Icon is in your System Tray - remove it:

        a) Left Click the HotSync Icon in your System Tray & select Exit

        b) The HotSync Icon should now be GONE from your System Tray.

    4. Copy EVERYTHING from the First PC's Palm Desktop directory
        ("C:\Palm" or the Network copy you made) to this PC's matching

        **** Overwrite ALL!

    5. Restart your PC (this may not really be needed, but...).
        Ignore the HotSync Error.

    6. If the HotSync Icon is NOT in your System Tray?
        Execute "C:\Palm\hotsync.exe" - Ignore the Error.

    7. Switch HotSync to "Manual (you start HotSync Manager yourself)":

        a) Left Click the HotSync Icon in your System Tray & select

        b) Select "Manual (you start HotSync Manager yourself)"

        c) Click OK

        d) Left Click the HotSync Icon in your System Tray & select Exit

        e) The HotSync Icon should now be GONE from your System Tray.

    8. Create a Shortcut on your Windows Desktop (See #8 in section 2)

    9. Test It:

        a) Launch PilotShare from your new Windows Desktop shortcut

        b) Some "copying" should occur as it copies the "Remote" Folder
            to the Local.

        c) PilotShare should then automatically launch the Palm Desktop.
            And the HotSync Icon should then appear!

        d) when you close the Palm Desktop, PilotShare will "copy"
            the Local databases back to the Remote Folder.

   10. Delete the "original" Windows Desktop Icons/Shortcuts related
        to your pilot - You do NOT want to run them directly!!!!

   11. If you are doing the "Optional: subsequent PCs set-up" AND any
        of them do NOT have a cradle, then either "Share" your drive C
        (for temporary access to the "C:\Palm" directory) or copy the
        "C:\Palm" directory (and its sub-directories) to a commonly
        accessible Network drive (NOT THE SAME ONE AS THE First PC).

Section 4) Optional: subsequent PCs (with or without a cradle) set-up:

    1-3. Same as Section 3.

    4. Replace Palm Desktop directory:

        If this PC has a HotSync cradle, then use the First PC
            as the Source.

        If this PC does NOT have a HotSync cradle, then use the Second
            PC as the Source.

        Copy EVERYTHING from the Source PC's Palm Desktop directory
        ("C:\Palm" or the Network copy you made) to this PC's matching

        **** Overwrite ALL!

    5-6. Same as Section 3.

    7. Set HotSync Mode:

        If this PC has a HotSync cradle, then see Section 2 #2.

        If this PC does NOT have a HotSync cradle, then see
            Section 3 #7.

    8-10. Same as Section 3.

Section 5) Clean-up:

    1. Restore "Share" state of First PC (if changed) or delete
        Network copy of First PC's "C:\Palm" Folder/directory.

    2. Restore "Share" state of Second PC (if changed) or delete
        Network copy of Second PC's "C:\Palm" Folder/directory.

    3. For each PC, since your are NOT supposed to run the Palm
        Desktop or the HotSync directly, it is advised to go to
        "Start/Settings/TaskBar..." and select "Start Menu
        Programs" - "Advanced".  Your should then copy the New
        PilotShare Windows Desktop Icon/shortcut into both your
        "Start Menu" and your "Start Menu/Programs/Palm Desktop"

That's All Folks...

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