PEDS (for A-S Medication Solutions, LLC)
Created the Physician's Electronic Dispensing System, a GWT, Java, & C# based application to facilitate doctors dispensing their own frequent prescriptions. Key technological feature was a Query By Example - Editing combination screen to support SCRUD (Search, Create, Read, Update, & Delete) in a single screen.
MetATS (for Metropolitan Travel, subsequently purchased by Expedia)
Created the Met Agent Travel Server that implements POS (Point Of Sale) augmentation system. The resulting system was deployed to over 100 Users. Built on the Travel Server Infrastructure, it inherits all the functionality of the library.
The environment consisted of: Java, Travel Server Controller, and Redesigned HOOK Infrastructure.
Some of the functions of the system are:
PNR Finishing
Fare Search Support
Sine-In Management
PNR Type Support
Simple Message Broadcasting
Timed Tasks:
A Robotic function that is currently processing over 400 tasks a day.
Profile Support System
Created a tool (built on the Travel Server Infrastructure) that supports CRS Profile collection, capture, and upload for both SABRE and Apollo.
The environment consisted of: Java.
Travel Server Infrastructure
Created a library (extending the Generic Distributed Server Infrastructure) that supports multi Server Socket connections from both the Travel Server Controller and Redesigned HOOK Infrastructure. This Travel Server Infrastructure is the baseline for a POS (Point Of Sale) augmentation system for Travel Agencies. It can also be used as an unattended robotic system. Some of the features of the library are: Interactive &/ robotic operation, Resource pooling & management, and common Travel industry data structures.
The environment consisted of: Java.
Generic Distributed Server Infrastructure
Created a library that supports a Multi-Threaded Socket Server design with: Plugable multi-layered protocol stack, Automatic posting to development site of learning &/ error files, & Automatic background update process based on Steganography.
The environment consisted of: Java.
Pilot/Tree Share
Designed & Implemented an application launching tool that is designed to facilitate sharing of a single user application. This is accomplished by copying the application's data "tree" from a shared network source. To keep two (or more) users from using the data tree simultaneously, a token/lock is maintained. This was developed specifically to share the data base (tree) of a single Palm Pilot between multiple PCs/users.
The environment consisted of: C++.
Override Director (for Seamless Travel Options)
Designed & Implemented a system consisting of the following sub-systems:
Client Side:
A system to intercept availability requests and subtly change the responses to 'encourage' agents to book toward preferred vendors and away from others (or block specific vendors). The system interacted with a Web server to acquire the 4-level biasing data.
The environment consisted of: Java.
Server/Web Side:
A CGI system to take a city-pair biasing request and merge four data objects (global options, from-city options, to-city options, and specific city-pair options) into a single web response.
The environment consisted of: Perl and HTML.
Redesigned HOOK Infrastructure
Redesigned & Implemented new HOOK Infrastructure to eliminate any 16-bit Socket code, and minimize the CRS custom 'T' intersection (by creating a low-level HOOK support interface). The result was three sub-systems:
CRSFrwdr (CRS Forwarder):
A 32-bit application that acts as a forwarder/bridge between windows messages and a Client Socket.
The environment consisted of: C++.
HookIntf (HOOK Interface):
A 16-bit DLL that implemented the common low-level HOOK support. Some of its prime functions are: Convert data stream to/from windows messages to/from CRSFrwdr, and launch and find the CRSFrwdr.
The environment consisted of: 'C'.
HOOKs (SABRE, Apollo, and WorldSpan):
16-bit DLLs that implement the 'T' intersection with most logic in the HookIntf.
The environment consisted of: 'C' & Assembly.
Simple Bookkeeping System
Designed & Implemented a tool to categorize and log financial events. It could also process this log to generate monthly, quarterly, and annual summaries/reports.
The environment consisted of: Java.
Travel Server Controller
Built on the Tray Control Program, the system launches, kills, and talks to/controls a Travel Server. It also supports the "roll-in" of new versions. The system talks to the Travel Server using Client Sockets.
The environment consisted of: C++.
TimeLogger & Billing System
Designed & Implemented a Time Logging and Billing System. The system consisted of the following two sub-systems:
Built on the Tray Control Program, the system uses a configuration file to control a menu of options to log (and optionally display) time event transitions.
The environment consisted of: C++.
Log Parser:
Converts the time event transitions file into a functional duration file (with total). In the process, "consuming" the completed (closed) time events (and logging these to a "running" back-up log file).
The environment consisted of: Java.
Bill Generator:
Converts the functional duration file into a billing file summarized by function. Supports rounding, padding, grace period, and task consolidation options.
The environment consisted of: Java.
MS Window's Tray Control Program
Designed & Implemented a MS Window's System/Task Bar Trayable infrastructure.
The environment consisted of: C++.
String Of Pearls (for McCord Travel Management)
Designed & Implemented Proof Of Concept POS (Point Of Sale) augmentation system for Travel Agencies. Note: Pearl == "applet". The system consisted of the following sub-systems:
PLC (Pearl Loader/Controller):
A Java dual socket server to except Pearl management requests from the UIC, and process the data streams from the HOOKs using dynamically loaded code for each task.
The environment consisted of: Java.
UIC (User Interface Controller):
A SDI program to manage (add/activate/run/deactivate/remove) Pearls within the PLC. Each active Pearl was represented on the Window's task bar. The program communicated with the PLC as a Socket Client.
The environment consisted of: C++.
HOOKs (SABRE, Apollo, & WorldSpan):
For each CRS, developed a set of DLLs that inserted a 'T' intersection in the data stream between the Emulator (Agent interface) and the Host (CRS) interface (X.25, TCP/IP, or ALC/NetBIOS). These 16-bit DLLs communicated with the PLC as a Socket Client.
The environment consisted of: 'C'.